
The Golden Pieces

 The Golden Pieces By Vinicius Cardoso Chapter 1 - Mars Ownership belongs to Marcos Vinicius de Moura Cardoso, only. Fobos - Queen Cry I have memories of a very young age. Memories of my grandma slowly swaying to the beats of the drums. She was gracious as the snow reflecting the moonlight. She had this incredible way of catching everyone's attention, like her body was slicing through the air with each movement. She used to be so elegant when she danced, but with time, that grace seemed to slip away, much like her life did. These days, my memories are like emotional earthquakes, hitting me as soon as I open my eyes. I live strict days with all my actions being controlled by my mom, Takeko Aika. She used to be happy, she used to smile at my grandma's jokes and loved by everyone around her. Now she’s just cranky as I can say.  But now, she's become somewhat cranky. She dictates my actions, constantly reminding me how to walk, speak, and even how to sit. It's a constant pr


Bem pessoal como meu blog foi criado ontem eu pesso a todos que estão acessam o meu blog para anunciarem ele entre seus amigos e familiares a não se esqueça de compartilha-lo nas redes sociais e também não se esqueçam de me seguir no twitter ~vincius


Hoje dia 10-03-2012 inugurase o meu blog o blog do vinicius Quem quizer ser postador desse blog e so enviar um email para: Contendo: seu nome sua idade uma foto sua e porque você quer ser um postador desse blog quantos blogs você já postou By: VINICIUS